Wednesday, April 2, 2008 0 comments

First day of school

okay so i left my house at like 645 for my 9 am class. i'm super early. i sat around and had a very weird conversation with someone. i honestly thought/think that he was either slightly autistic or had some form of downs syndrom. He was a nice guy. but just didn't have the 'person to person' skills most people have. thats what makes me think he was slightly autistic and the look on his face. but he was innocent. he was 25 going to college for his GED so that he could become a flight attendant.

my first class was really cool. I had Intro to interior design. its going to be a really really really cool class. i'm super excited about it. we have only 2 asignments, but they're big assignments. i'm so okay with it though. the teacher is really cool. and really down to earth. she's got a sarcastic sense of humor and its going to be a fun morning class. This chick behind me fell asleep. It was sooooooooo funny. she fell asleep to the point of snoring... full on head on the desk passed out snoring. SO funny. Great first impression don't you think?

then i had a 2 hour break (well 3 because we got out an hour early). I live to far away to go home. my laptop bag broke on my way to my first class so i went to the store to get a new one. i got lost and wound up at the wrong one. so i had to find my way to the second store. BUT i found a taco bell on my way so i figure it was a good detour. plus i got a new laptop bag, a new wallet (my old ones zipper was giving out) and some new sun glasses.

my next class was Art. Its going to be an expensive class. i have to go to an art supply store to get all my supplies (theres a big list) it 'says' its only supposed to cost 75.00 but it don't think so. It seems to be a decent class. its on color theory so i'm pretty excited about it.

my next 2 hour break i got dinner. it was pretty good.

The last class i had was ARCH 100... its basically a real life sketching class. it has the same teacher as my morning class. Its a BIG class. but should be really informative and really intertaining.