So i'm taking a break from my fucking mountain of homwork to listen to my playlist and post a new blog. Its been a while. I seriously need a break. I need a life, I need to be done with school.
I'm about half way into my summer term. Its seriously draining the life out of me. I love my major, I love the informaiton, its interesting... but going to school year round is really taking a toll on me. i don't know if its the summer term, the condinsed classes, or the fact that we actually have had a couple days of no rain and all sun. but its getting harder and harder to concentrate. I try harder and harder but it gets worse and worse.
Next term i'm only taking 2 classes, but still its 3 nights a week. so we'll se how it goes. wish me luck.
sucks. seriously sucks.
did you know that the history of furniture isn't as cool as it sounds? actually it sucks some serious assness!
but i'm trying my best to get through it. we'll see how it goes.
But i know B and i will get into it over me printing to much. but he'll just have to get over it. lol.
So i started my new job on Monday. I really like it. Only one week in and its already drama filled.
C= girl who i'm taking over for when she leaves, she's training me
BBBM = Big bad boss man of awesomness
D= Momma D, second in charge, pure coolness
M= Flakey coworker of doom, soon to be gone ::crosses fingers::
Co= Drama filled front counter worker, also Big Bad Boss Man's daughter.
i'll get into it later. but those are the main players
well its not really a diet, more like a life change. I'm trying to get back to eating healthy, less junk, more fruite and veggies, more water, less soda.
I used to crave sugary snacks, but now with the invention of 100 calorie packs, i really don't crave those to much.
now its Soda. Diet Coke to be exact. must choke down this water. stupid stupid water