So fridays, fridays are the day before my 1 day off a week. I like fridays cause that means i get to sleep late.
i miss sleep.
i wanna be here!
Interior Designer. Military Woman. Wife. Battles with Migraines. Lover of Life!
this seems to be just about all anyone can talk about anymore. Even on the other side of the world, the swine flu conversation is a main topic of conversation.
To tell you the truth, i'm not that worried about it.
Untill proved other wise, i'm putting this along with mad cow disease. Mass epidemic in the making, or is it more like mass panic creating?
There's also rumors circulating that this could have been "created" and then spread. conspiracy theorists will ALWAYS find something. But this is just another thing to be freaked out about.
me, not so much.
i wash my hands, i wash my clothes, i'm a generally clean person. I think i'm doing okay for now.
but i'm also a sheep, and while its big news, i'll talk about it.
So, lets talk. Are you concerned about it?