I haven't returned back to work yet, that's tomorrow. But I've been keeping busy. After my Uncle's funeral, we've had a LOT of people in town.
My grandma's been in town and I've been spending a lot of time at my parents.
I've been lucky enough so far that B's schedule has allowed him to call me every night before bed. i know I've been a bit spoiled, and I'm aware. I told him tonight that its okay if he's to tired after his day to call me and he wants to go right to bed.
I love him with all my heart and i can't wait to see him again.
I told him today that i miss him. and he told me he doesn't think he'll be able to go the whole time with out seeing me. He graduates this school at the end of June. but he wants me to come down and visit on the next school where he'll have more freedom.
I might have to take him up on that offer.
I'm such a sucker for that guy