So in light of the 'grey-phenomimon' I thought we should talk about what we're reading.
I'm currently reading 2 books (technically 3, but i haven't started the third)
As part of my book club i'm reading:
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
The Undomestic Goddess
Interesting pairing right?? I'm actually really excited about these two. The two categories were "historical fiction" & "beach reads".
As part of last months (may) choices we read Divergent. I read this book almost non stop. Of course it helped that my husband had just left for 8 days (military) and I had just finished school So i had some time on my hands. I really enjoyed the book.
And because I really enjoyed the book, I'm following it up by reading the second in the trilogy (which is really freaking good by the way) I'm about 1/2 way through.
Because I drive a lot I started listening to books on tape. I just finished the Harry Potter series.
I never read them when they were popular, but i'm really glad I found the audio books. They were actually really really good. The narrator was PERFECT and I feel a new connection with the series.
Harry Potter 7: The Deathly Hallows.
So I finished HP - 7 yesterday while cleaning.
I started listening to:
The Host
Its pretty interesting. I'm not sure what I expected from the book, I hadn't read any of the reviews, but I thought i'd get it a shot. I'm pretty impressed so far by it. Its hard to stop listening to it.