for those who don't know on the nest/not you have a signature line that comes at the end of every post. well as much as the siggy is for the person... everyone else has to see it.
- i love to see pictures of kids. but i do not need your babies head to take up half my screen. good things comein small packages. just town it down a little. and we'll all be happy!
- can we town down the tickers to like maybe 1. you can look forward to 1 thing at a time... thats enough right. seriously! i don't think everyone needs to know how old each of your kids are, how long till your 7th anniversary, and untill school is out. 1 is enough!!!
-as much as i conceving a child means the world to you. seriously, more power to you. but i don't need to know how many times you've tried to 'sperminate' yourself. if you keep it in acronyms and technical terms, i'm all for it. realy its fine with me if you have it on your siggy. but lets keep it semi-classy. an example:
TTC #1 since July '06, Cycle 19
Unexplained infertility
Acupuncture since September 2007
IUI #1 + Clomid = chem. pg/misc. 4w6d (high beta = 14)
Cancelled IUI cycle = BFN
IUI #2 + Clomid = chem. pg/misc. 4w5d (high beta = 15)
IUI #3 + Femara + baby aspirin + Folgard + Lovenox + Endometrin = BFN
Even though thats a little over kill, i still say its acceptable. P.S. this is taken from a nestie on the Trouble TTC board. (ttc=tryint to conseve). I can't imagine having 'unexplained infertility', so i say sure. and FYI- she has no other things in her siggy... good for her! I'm going to leave her name out of it because i'm not sure she wants to be shared.
- If your siggy has a 'blinky' in it. i automatically judge you based on that blinky. i'm sorry but i do. even more so if there is something humping in your siggy or it says 'swim spermies swim' (yes, they exist). If your on a board dedicated to babies, or ttc, or babies on the brain. don't you thik its a little overkill? i say so!
-like i said before good things come in small packages. Limit your siggy. if there are more than say 3 things in your siggy... its probably to much. if you have more than 4 pictures, its probably to much.
Granted there are always exceptions to every thing. but seriously. if your siggy is huge compared to everyone else. maybe you should tone it back.
Long Story short.
Your siggy says a LOT about you
so think about it before you create it!
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