So yesterday i woke up not feeling that great. just all around icky. So i go to work as normal. around 1pm i get seriously sick. So i wrap up my duties, and get the okay to go home.
I come home from work and B says to me: "its weird you're sick. we haven't been hanging around anyone who's sick." i look at him, blink a couple times and reply, "there's this little thing called work, there are these people there that i see almost daily. these people have things called germs. those are the people that come to work sick, and got me sick."
silly husband.
but I'll be updating my blog a lot today hopefully. that is between my drug induced self coma's on the couch. i need to make some coffee, the thought of something warm to drink is awfully inviting at the moment.

yuck. feel better soon!
Oh yuck! Feel better.
drug induced comas are the best. Hope you feel better soon.
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