Its been a while since I did a book review (by a while I mean over a year).
These are the Series & Books I've read recently

Shiver by Maggie StiefvaterThis book was good. but was hard to get into. I really enjoyed it once it was all done, but didn't rush out to get the next one right away.
It is a good story line and has an interesting twist. I'm sticking with my normal go to books and this is about werewolves. It adds a different twist to the normal 'werewolves story'.
The end of the book did leave me hanging, I do plan on reading the next book. But, I'm in no hurry to buy it.
Carpe Demon by Julie KennerMy mother gave me this book (and the second California Demon). But to be totally honest. I couldn't finish it. I tried! I really did! I took it everywhere with me. but It just couldn't keep my interest.
The story line is about a retired demon hunter who is forced out of retirement due to an increase of demon activity. It sounded good in theory, but I just couldn't make it through.
Thirst by Christopher PikeThis book sounded soooooooooooooo interesting. I had been looking forward to reading these books for the longest time.
MAN was I disappointed.
I forced myself to finish book 1, which included
The Last Vampire, Black Blood, Red Dice.
I bought the book 2, which has the stories
Phantom, Evil Thirst, Creatures of Forever. I couldn't finish it. Could NOT! The plot line is so dry. The story just drug on forever and ever. I still have them and will probably try to get through it again, because I do want to know what happened to the characters.
Blue Bloods series by Melissa De La CruzI can not say enough good things about this series. I'm so in love with these books. I first read them when I was flying home from Iraq. I was looking forward to them so much, that I saved them for the long ass plane ride home.
I don't want to give a lot away. but this is a vampire story with a good twist to the typical plot.
There are 2 books out now that fall with in this series.
Misguided Angel &
Key to the Repository (which is a bio book). I'm so excited to get these books. I love love love this series.
House of Night series by P.C & Kristin CastAgain, this is another series I absolutely LOVE.
I just finished the 7th book, Burned.
I highly recommend these books.
They are another vampire series. Its about a girl (Zoey) who has been marked to be a vampire. It is an interesting twist to the typical young vampire story. Zoey has powers far beyond her own imagination.
Each book leaves you aching for more. These are good easy reads and it is not odd for me to finish one of these books in 1 day. 2 days tops!
There are 7 books in the series
Marked, 2)
Betrayed, 3)
Chosen, 4)
Untamed, 5)
Hunted 6)
Tempted, 7)
Burned, 8)
Awakened (available Jan 4, 2011).
Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris(dead in the family & a touch of dead)
If I had a dollar for every person I got addicted to this series, I'd be a rich woman. These books are SO GOOD. These books are much more adult than the other books I have read. These are not for the faint of heart of the pure of body (if you catch my drift). I often refer to these books (among others) as vampire smut. So good at being sooo bad.
This book was good, but there have been better. Honestly, I had to go read the blurb about it on amazon in order to remember exactly what happened in this book.
I feel like the author has been pressured to put out these books a little bit quicker now that they're so popular. I would rather wait and have her come out with an OUTSTANDING story, then get the book sooner and have it just be okay. But I have never once regretted reading a story in this series, nor have I ever had any problems finishing them.
I highly highly highly recommend these books.
this is book is #10.
There is a companion book coming out in Feb 2011.
but book #11 has yet to be announced. After doing some research I found that the title of Book #11 is Dead Reckoning, and is due to be released May 3rd, 2011. (I know what I'm getting my mom for mothers day!)
Evernight Series by Claudia GrayIt took me a while to warm up to these books. The first book took a little while to get into.
These books follow a girl named Bianca as her parents move to become teaches at a prestigious boarding school. She knows something is wrong with this school, but can't quite put her finger on it. You follow her story as she finds out about her parents, her self, and her past!
I really enjoyed these books. The next book in the series Afterlife, is due to be release March 8, 2011. And I WILL be buying this book ASAP! After the way the last one ended, I can't wait to get my hands on the 4th book.
Vampire Academy Series by Richelle MeadThis is another series that took me a little bit to get into. Trust me when I say, if you can make it through the 1st book you will NOT regret it.
I feel like you can really feel the author mature in her writing as the series progresses.
I have only read the first 4 books (pictured). I was unaware until tonight that the 5th book has been released and the 6th book has been announced.
Book #5 -
Spirit Bound - will soon be in my hands
Book #6 - Last Sacrafice - is due to be released December 7th.
These books follow Rose. She's half human & half vampire. She's supposed to be being trained to be a guardian to the vampires. Book #4 has by far been my favorite of the series. So, I really can't wait to read Book #5.
Hunger Games Series by Suzanne CollinsIf I could stand on a soap box and profess my love for these books I would. I'd wear a sandwich board, ring a bell, and sing. No joke!
These books came recommended from a friend. but the story line didn't really catch my interest. So I put it off and put it off. Finally about 2 weeks ago I was in Target with another friend and the 1st book was 30% off. So I bought it. I read the first book in less than 20 hours and was in desperate need for the second and 3rd books. Thank the lord they were already out.
These books are set in a post-apocalyptic US. They follow a young girl named Katniss Everdeen. I could go on and on about these books, but because they are so fresh in my mind I don't want to give to much away. I am telling you go out and buy these books! You will not regret it!!!
The third and final book leaves a little to be desired. but with it being the final book, the author did need to tie up some loose ends. I do like the way it ended. I'm really glad she include the epilogue, because with out it I would have been REALLY mad.
Please go buy these books. So worth it.
Morganville Vampire series by Rachel CraneThis is another series I'm in love with.
I recently gave the first 3 books to a new friend and I got a panicked text message asking if i had the next book. hahahaha.
these books are short easy reads. but sooooooo jam packed with information, suspense, and an amazing story each time.
The story of the Morganville Vampires stars Clair Danvers. In the first book she's just a young college student being bullied by the popular girl and desperate to get out of campus living. Soon she realizes that this small campus town has way more going on than anyone would have guessed.
these books are one long story split into several books. There are 9 so far
1) Glass house, 2) Dead girls dance, 3) Midnight Alley, 4) Feast of fools, 5) Lord of Misrule, 6) Carpe Corpus, 7) Fade out, 8) Kiss of death, 9) Ghost town (just released).
I was not aware that Ghost Town was out. So I will be making a trip to borders ASAP! I really enjoy these books probably more than I should.
Mortal Instruments by Cassandra ClareThese books are... interesting. They're about a girl who doesn't know how special she is until she see's something she shouldn't.
These books are about a paranormal protection society. They are around to protect the human race from the demon race.
These books are really really good! I was really impressed. I picked them up on a whim one day at the book store. I judged the book by its cover and boy was I impressed. I had no preconceived notions about these books.
I really enjoyed the story line of these books. They weren't my
typical stories I go for. And honestly were the first 'non vampire' book I read in a long time. They sort of broke me out of the vampire only fascination I had going on.
I was surprised to learn that there will be a book 4!! I'm so excited.
Book #4: City of Fallen Angels is due to be released April 5, 2011. The cover won't even be released till December.
I have started a new book (only 1 chapter in, started it last night) called Clockwork Angel
, The Infernal Devices Series. It is the same idea as the Mortal instruments series and by the same author. I had to force myself to go to sleep last night. I'm already hooked.
After doing some web research, there are 2 more books due to be released in the the Infernal Devices series.
Clockwork Prince is due September 2011
Clockwork Princess is due November/December 2012
Lover Mine by JR wardBlackdagger Brotherhood Series
This is another series that I have gotten everyone addicted to!
Remember earlier when we were talking about vampire smut... this is the first place runner for vampire smut.
This series is about a vampire brotherhood who protect the human race against all demons and evil creatures.
I can not say enough amazing things about this series. Seriously! Buy them, Read them, go have hot sex, and love them.
You will want to jump your significant other like you have no idea after reading these books.
Each book follows one of the brothers. They all have the predictable story line. Brother is out fighting, brother finds a love, brother wants love, brother can't be with love, brother fights, brother gets love in the end and has hot vampire sex.
But even though the story line is predictable, the author switches it up enough to make it so you don't want to put the books down.
this is book #8.
Book #9: Lover Unleashed is due to be released March 29th, 2011. Happy late birthday to me!
I am a huge book lover and Love to read. There are so many books on my wish list right now, I think if i print it off amazon its about 10 pages long.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments let me know!
Enjoy your hot vampire smut!