19. I am thankful for my amazing bed for which I spent All day in.
18. I am thankful for the road I've taken in life. With out all those speed bumps, detours, and construction I wouldn't be where I am now.
17. I'm thankful my husband is an RN. Because I am seriously way to accident prone to be married to anyone else. ::coughs::
16. Today I am thankful for my amazing puppy Sammy. Sometimes I don't know where I'd be in life with out him.
15. I'm thankful for being home. I'm thankful for being able to spend my night with my husband.
14. I'm thankful for my health. A night in the ER will make someone happy to be alive
13. I'm thankful to be able to spend over 12 hours in Disneyland today.
12. I'm thankful for 0 traffic in my 8 hour drive south to Disneyland. BTW the best time to drive through LA is at 2am.
11. I'm thankful for a dear friend who's no longer in pain. RIP Dale, you will be missed, but im thankful you're in peace.
10.I'm thankful for all the Marines I know! Happy Birthday guys!!!!
9.I'm thankful for my bed. (silly, yes. but i'm exhausted)
8. I'm thankful for having internet!!
7. I'm thankful for the blazers and that i get to watch them from my couch.
6. I'm thankful for Diet Coke. weird... yes, but I love me some Diet Coke
5. I'm truly thankful for my wonderful little puppy Sammy. even when he's stinky he's pretty perfect.
4.I'm thankful for my fellow military members who are currently deployed. I wish I was there with you guys!
3.I'm so thankful for my family. Even though I'm several hundred miles away, I love them ever more.
2. I'm thankful for Amazing friends. Be them near or far.
1.I am amazingly thankful for my husband. There are no words to express how much I love this man. I am so lucky to have him in my life!
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