I'm so sad to leave the great friends and bonds I've formed over the years I've been up there.
Yet, I'm so excited for the next step in my life.
I have so many good friends up there. We deployed together, we went to annual tour together, we hung out. Its going to be hard to top this unit.
They took me out Saturday night.
We went to a local bar that I've been going to every drill since we moved up to the new base. I've gotten to become really close with the bartenders there. We even became Facebook friends (lol). I didn't pay for a single thing all night. They were amazing. When I finally left, I cried and gave them both big hugs. When your away from home, its nice to have a friendly face. They were great people.
Then came Sunday
I had a serious case of Beerflu Sunday morning.
I woke up Sunday... still drunk
I went back to sleep for an hour... still drunk
I took a shower to sober up... nope still drunk
I threw up...a lot... still drunk
I had my friend drive me on base... still drunk.
soooooooooooooooooo bad.
about 10 am I finally sobered up, and I totally skipped the hangover phase. I went from drunk, to a wee bit sick, to sober. It was AWESOME.
I'm pretty sad to leave, but I'm really excited.
Its all coming together. Its all wrapping up.
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