Day 14: Today i am thankful for Pain pills
Day 15: today I am thankful for a group of great women who make my monotonous Tuesday class enjoyable and full of fits of giggles. They make the hour and a half of driving worth it.
Interior Designer. Military Woman. Wife. Battles with Migraines. Lover of Life!
So today was the first day of fall term. I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous for silly reasons. But, still...
It nevef fails, I parked in thd wrong parking lot and got lost. I think of it as my first day ritual.
Anyways, todays class was Interior Design Business Practices. The teacher seamed nice enough, we met for a grand total of 45min. Which is nice, but I have to drive 45min to get there, so it almost isnt worth the hassel. The class is slated to go from 6-9:05. But she stated we wouldn't have a break, that, way we could get out around 8ish. Which i'm totally okay with.
So this class should be interesting. There is 28 people and out of that only 3 are men. Now, im not bad mouthing the ladies, but they normally dont get my sense of humor. Normally I position myself kind of in the middle of class. And scope out those who look like I would get along with.
.....that backfired today....
There is one kid in class I had in my math class this summer... Who I cannot stand. Guess who is in my class?? Guess who sat right next to me?? I may need one of you to be my alliby here soon. The dude shook his leg the whooooollllleeeee fucking class. Our class is in a mobile building. His G.D. leg shook the whole fucking floor...the whole fucking class. Ugh.
Pray for me.
I'm kind of known for some weird ass dreams. I cant tell you how many twisted nightmares or cracked oit.dreams i've had over the years. Recently my dreams have been weirder than what I am usec to.
Like tonight.
I litterally just woke up, grabbed my phone, and logged in to tell you all.
So in my dream I just returned from a trip, and whiled I was gone my husband became an overnight internet star. I walk into our bathroom and he's standing on one of our dinning room chairs shaving in the reflection of the shiwer head. Then when I look around there is writting all around in lipstick. When I asked what it was amd why it was there he said it was."taglines and screen names from his fans". Then he shows me the spiderman decals that his fans bought him. He gets a call, and walks out of the room. I cant.follow him because i'm peeing... Then I wake up. Omg.
So this is new to me on so many levels. First I am new to this whole 'smart phone' thing, second I'm in a new state of mind. Third, I'm an insomniac posting from my bed when I should be sleeping.
So my fine friends, shall we catch up??
Lets start with school. Wednesday was my last day of spring term and my last day of my first term here I Cali. What a b* of a term it was!!! So in Oregon the school terms are way shorter, think a 2:1 ratio for 'spring' terms. I took 20 credits this term: 1) history & English class 8cr. 2) interior design - materials & techniques 4cr. 3) math - Intro to algebra 4cr. 4) health online course 4cr.
To say it was an intense term is putting it mildly. But I honestly didn't really feel the weight of if until roughly the last 3 weeks. That's when I started to feel like EVERYTHING was due at the exact same time. But to be honest I really enjoyed the term. I learned a lot, not only in the classes but about Cali schools and about the people too.
I have a 10 day break, then summer term starts. I transferred schools due to budget cuts in the Interior design major at the first school. Which stinks because I really enjoyed the girls in that class. But I cant wait around for the classes I need.
My health - I decided to do this topic next because it directly effects my military career and my weight loss goals.
So I'm not sure how much I posted about this before but since about the first of the year I have been battling debilitating migraines. Ive been in the ER 4 times im 5 months, seen 4 different doctors, and have been on countless meds. Its been a rough go of things to say the least. So I finally got a GREAT doc and nurse and things have been looking up. They found out I have a significantly under active thyroid, so I am on daily pills for that. I had a sleep study done, I go in on the 1st for those results. That was an interesting experience. I literally had a pony tail of wires on me head!! I really hope I don't have to do that again, but it is a possibility.
I'm currently on:
1) birth control pills (low hormone)
2) thyroid pill
3) sinus/migraine pill
4) migraine pain pill
5) daily sinus spray
I think I'm missing something, but you get the idea. I know it seems like a lot, but it seems to be working. I've only been to the ER once on this mix of pills, lol. OH!!!! I forgot to tell you I get to sleep with that sexxxy nose strip breathe right thingy, its pretty badass!!!
Military- so I try my best to do my best at whatever I do. But in my military life, I seem to have something that always kept people from seeing my full potential... Until now! This unit has afforded me the opportunity to prove myself and shine!
Ive been able to start a new training program. Ive taken on a lot of responsibility as the booster club prez. Ive started trying to get additional training done for people in need of it, not just in my section.
We had a BIG inspection last month and my troops did outstanding, our section didn't get a single bad note! I'm so proud of them.
Now... If I could only pass my PT test, I would be golden. Its the one stinking pile of shit in my meadow of flowers. As soon as I pass the test, I'll be able to do so so so much more. It will be the last obstacle in my path towards WORLD DOMINATION... BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
Speaking of my fitness, on to my weight loss goal...
Now that I can post from my phone, I think I'll be able to update that blog more.
I was seeing a personal trainer, but she kept canceling appointments, and eventually quit on me. I had seen another trainer in the gym, and after one of my canceled appointments I stopped her and asked if she had any openings. Thank goodness she did. She's amazing. I call her my tiny nazi! I mean it in the best way. Shes so motivating and tough at the same time. She has a track record of passing scores. So I really don't want to break that record.
I have SO much riding on this test, I have to pass, their is no other option.
Well..... That about wraps it up. Ill try and post Mor often. It will be easier now that I have this option.
Later gaters.
I got served a BIG old case of humble pie yesterday.
So this weekend we had drill, and I was the ONLY supervisor on shift. So I had roughly 15 ‘kids’ to watch. I was a glorified babysitter this weekend, but all in all it wasn’t bad. The one thing that I’m a stickler for more than anything else is theirCDC’s (career development course).
So I knew one of the other new Airmen was in his CDC’s. So I asked him about them, and when he would be done with his end of course test for this volume. They are expected to have each volume completed when they come in on Saturday morning. Saturday was CRAZY busy (I did over 47 evaluations).
So on Sunday I asked him where he was with it. He said he wasn’t completed with it, which honestly I’m happy he was honest. He’s not my normal troop, and I know that his supervisor is more lenient. So I told him I needed it by sign out.I go back into the class room where I tell my Airmen to ‘study’. I don’t care if your doing homework, or cdc’s. As long as your where I expect you to be, and are doing something productive, I can’t be do mad… anyways, I go back there and he’s MIA. I go back several times, and he’s still gone. Right now I’m PISSED! So I tell one of the other Airmen to call him and to come see me ASAP! So I pull him a side and I lay into him. I don’t yell but I talk really sternly.
Come sign out (over 4 hours after I told him to work on them), he still isn’t completed. He says “XX told me that I didn’t have to, I have till the end of the month.” WHOA WHOA WHOA! So I take off to go talk to XX, only to learn that this Airmen that I have been harping on all damn day is AHEAD OF SCHEDULE! He’s working on NEXT months CDC!
::insert head straight up ass::
I apologized in front of EVERYONE!I was wrong, and I knew it. I apologized from the bottom of my heart for doubting him, for not looking at his contract (which says what volume he should be on), I apologized for scolding him.
I’m so used to my problem children that I just assumed he was behind. Boy was I wrong. I felt like a complete and total ass!!!So today I didn't have any rush homework, so I decided to clean out the fridge and do the dishes from the leftovers.
He walks in the kitchen (after I cleaned out the fridge, took out the garbage, took the cans to the curb, and was in the process of emptying the dishwasher) and says... "well, looks like you made short work of that!" Implying it didn't take me long to make the kitchen a mess agian.
He asks why i'm drinking cranberry juice, So i tell him. He asks "oh yah, whats in the freezer?" I say, "huh?" He says, "got some vokda did you?"
uh no... You told me last night that even 2 beers has an effect on my meds, why would I switch to hard alcohol?
I know he's just so tired, He doesn't normally act like this. But come on!Its just that he needs sleep.
We were supposed to get our cable upgraded. The cable guy was supposed to be here around 2-4
he showed up (waking b up) at 115, waking B up. he normally sleeps until 4-430.