So I know I said that I would weigh in last week.... Well that didn't happen.
I weighed in today. Not first thing in the morning like I prefer. But I did weigh in.
Scale reads: 194. UGH! I still can't get used to seeing this arrangement of numbers on my scale. Where the flying fuck did all this weight come from. I really feel like just yesterday I was at 150 and OMG SO FAT!
[Finished Monday's post]
Fast Forward 5 days and we're here on Friday Evening
Today's weigh in 191! FUCKING AWESOME!
Its been a struggle this week to keep my eating under control and tracking my intake of, well... everything.
So this week this has been my meal plans:
Breakfast: 3 slices of oven roasted turkey breast (3oz) & Half of a grapefruit
Snack: 1/2 cup of greens & 3 oz of fish (salmon, shrimp, or tuna)
Lunch: 1/2 cup of sweet potato or 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1/2 cup greens, & 3-4oz of fish
Snack: 1/2 cup of greens & 3 oz of fish (salmon, shrimp, or tuna)
Dinner: 1/2 cup of sweet potato or 1/2 cup of brown rice, 1/2 cup greens, & 3-4oz of fish
If I have a craving for sugar I have an otter pop (15 calories of awesome)
I'm trying my HARDEST to kick my diet coke/coffee habit. I've done really well some days. But others its all I can do to not make Diet Coke the ONLY thing I drink.
But I've been trying, and that all I can do for now.
Today I took my Air Force PT Test. ...... and failed. my 40 fucking seconds. thats right. I failed my test by 40 SECONDS!
I did awesome on all my other portions. I honestly did my personal best in my sit-ups and push-ups!
in the A.F. Test you have 1 minute to do as many pushups/situps as you can. There's a scale to give your individual amounts a score. and when you total up the score you need to get a 75. the downside is that in each area there is a minimum you need to meet. So if you don't meet the minimum in 1 area, you fail. So you could max the points out in all areas and miss by, oh, 40 seconds on another and you fail. FUCK!
Today I did: 32 push ups (minimum of 18) & 47 sit ups (minimum 38).
but I ran my 1.5 mile in 17:00 minutes. And I needed to run it in 16:22.
I'm frustrated with myself.
I'm just... frustrated.
But looking at the positive. I've lost 3lbs this week. I've set a personal record for my push-ups and sit-ups. I'm working out better.
and with hard work, i'll be better and pass the next time.
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