Here are the guidelines for this award:
1) Put the logo on your blog or post.
2) Nominate at least 5 blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post.
3) Let your nominees know they have received the award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
4) Be sure to link this post to the person who nominated you for the award.
So here are my 5. I'll explain each one.
- When the Rain Comes - Rachey is such a raw honest person. I love her to death. She's always willing to help out and love anyone. but she's also so honest and will tell you when you're being dumb, that is a true friend.
- A Baby Maybe... - Bunnies/Bev has a great since of humor. She had a long TTC journey and maintained an amazing attitude through out. Now that she's blessed with a beautiful baby girl she doesn't blog as much as she used to. but now she's doing her "blog olympics". lol.
- End the asshattery already! - I freaking love this girl. She seriously has the best since of humor in my opinion. Her and I agree a lot on a bunch of differant things. and there's nothing like a friend who hates all the same people you hate. lol.
- Just Jules - This is a blog i just came across in the past couple weeks. but i'm now an avid reader of hers. She always so honest and true, as well as funny. I can't help but be in total awe.
- Cuttings on a Blog - This is another new blog that i'm totally in love with. I can't remember exactly how i stumbled over here. but again i'm a little obsessed.
I lurve you rotty :)
btw, you can see pics on blogs right? I just assumed you could, that's why I didn't email you the latest. If you can't see them, please tell me!
Thank you, I'm excited for my award! Love your blog too.
aw, what a cool award! and you gave it to two of my favorite peeps! totally cool!
Thank you!! I'm super excited and wasn't sure if I could nominate you back (which I wanted to) so I just wrote a blurb about you instead!
Hurry home!! I need my texting buddy back!!
thank you so much - i am always amazed when someone finds my little bloggy spot worthy of an award! some days I wonder why anyone even reads my cr*p ;)
I will get this posted - and pass it on soon.
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