So i walked over to talk to the TMO (the peeps that get me out of here). I asked him if he had any info.
so he writes down my last name and goes into the back room. i can hear him clicking away on his computer. what feels like forever later (probably like 10 min tops) he comes back out.
No news. We're waiting for USTRANSCOM (big wigs) to drop my mission for all to see. I'm still supposed to leave the next location this weekend. but thats all we know.
i could get word at any moment. but we're just waiting. and waiting. and waiting. So hopefully i'll have more to update tomorrow. but thats it for now.

wishing i was here!
Portland International Airport!
(read: home!)
Any news today?
Yay! I can't wait until you are "home"!!! I just wished you had more answers for yourself. Safe travels!
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