okay a back story. In my civilian job i do invoicing for a small off shoot window coverings company. its a branch off of a family run dry cleaners which has 4 sections: cleaners, restoration, door to door, and window coverings.
in my office there are only 2 of us. We worked well together. I liked my work. It was simple, not to complicated as far as customers go. I liked our customers, some of them i even told i was being deployed and they were SO supportive. But now that i'm back i do not look forward to going back. I guess because it is so 'simple' i don't think i'll be happy there. I'm used to my fast paced life of my deployment and i doubt i'll be happy there any longer.
anyways I got off track.
So i go in and everyone seems tentative and uneasy. i'm not sure why. but this place has a way with the dramatics, so its not uncommon.
I say hi to everyone. Go in the back to see the boss (who's in a mood of hell). He sends me to see K. so i go across the street to see him. We chat for a bit. i tell him i can come back to work on the 15th. He says "that should be enough time". What its enough time for, I'm not sure. But then he tells me that they want to keep all 3 of us (me, my co-worker, and my temp) in the office for a while then "see how things go". WHAT?!
So the next day i email my coworker. and ask her how things are going. She tells me that my Temp ( we'll call her A) doesn't want to leave. That they're thinking of making her our supervisor. WHAT? okay let me say this. I took over the job when C moved to Texas. C got the job because A cussed out a customer and they fired her. Yes, they want to make someone they've fired from my job, my supervisor! ARE YOU KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT!?
So needless to say I'm NOT looking forward to the awkward mess i have coming for me!

On a side note: B's applying for a job in a smaller town about an hour from where we currently live. If he gets this job, i can and have to quit my job.
he's all ready turned in his application
They select on the 19th
and interview starting the 22nd.
So hopefully i won't have to work there much longer.
i haven't even started back and I'm already praying for the day i can quit.
the only down side to this is my school will now be 1 hour 45 min - 2 hour drive. Not looking forward to that. but I'll do what i have to. I'm just looking forward to not having to work there. maybe I'll get a weekend job working at an office or something. We shall see. but for now just cross your fingers i don't have to work there any longer than i absolutely have too.
Here's hoping you can quit when and if you so desire. Don't underestimate a more simple job, that will give you the chance to concentrate on school, fun, husband, and fun. Oh and fun.
Hope it all works out for you.
ok. that just stinks! definitely something wrong with that picture! good luck on hubby's new job.
Never mind, I just answered my own question...wow. Was the temp. guaranteed to go from temporary to permanent? And because she doesn't want to leave, they still keep her? Interesting.
I know you're not looking forward to it, but make it the best you can...Get a long with everyone, even if you have to pretend! We don't want your new supervisor any ideas...
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