We had so much fun.
we went Monday thru Thursday.
Monday we got there and set up camp. S & R brought a friggin keg. so we were set. hahaha.
Driving there (thats S & R behind us)
Such a pretty Drive
Setting up camp.
My Paul Bunyan wanna be! lol. We chopped a lot a wood. well... we didn't. he did.
Tuesday we went on an 8 mile hike back through the amazing back country. So so fun. The Twin Pillars we *almost* hiked to. lol.
R, S, B & me.
S & R
B! So cute!
Wednesday we all sort of did our own thing. S & R wen't to a local lake to fish. FIL went and hung out with another camper. We went and did some 4x4ing. it was a blast. we just went up some old foresting roads and had fun. although part of it was kinda scrarey.
Thursday it started raining HARD. So i'm glad thats the day we left. So awesome. I had so much fun i am so glad we got to do that before i went back to work!!
Topics still to talk about:
-BFF's marital situation.
-my family BBQ
-School situation
um, scary animal tracks and random bones. I would have been OUT of there.....yikes!
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