So I know it's so so silly. but, I've never made lasagna. I know, weird right?
So one day we FINALLY got some cooler weather so i figure why not make some comfort food. So I called my mom (queen of the lasagna) and asked for some advice. I know the basic idea of lasagna.
sauce, noodles, cheese, sauce, noodles, cheese. I get it.
lol. but its the ingredients that go into the sauce, noodles, and cheese that make it or break it.
And so it starts. I Got everything out and got it ready.

I love me some ricotta Cheese. love love love.

Then I added in the spices. To be honest. I just added stuff that looked like it should go in lasagna. I couldn't tell you exactly how much or exactly what it was. but I would add, taste, adjust. And so on until i liked the mixture. It worked out pretty well.

This is B cooking up the ground turkey to go in the lasagna. He wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get a decent picture. Believe it or not after 5 tries this IS the best one.

After i got the spice mixture right i added shredded
mozzarella and mixed it all up.

I bought the Non-boil noodles. I was really nervous about over cooking the noodles, so i decided this was the safest bet.
The layering begins...

I had some difficulty getting the cheese to spread evenly. I'm not sure why but it was really difficult.

Ready for the oven.

Following the directions on the noodle box, it says to put tinfoil over it until 5 min before it is supposed to be done. Then take the foil off and let it cook for another 5 min to let the cheese melt up.
I think it worked pretty darn well.
Fresh out of the oven!!

I think it turned out pretty darn well!!! Brian's only suggestion was to have more sauce next time. Which i agreed it needed a bit more sauce. I only used one jar, and it didn't look like it had enough. but i really liked it. I really really did.
mmmmm.... ground turkey lasagna.
Not bad for my first time!
It is always a b!tch to spread the ricotta cheese. I have been making lasagna for years and I still have not come up with an easy way to do it. Looks great though!
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