(that's what i call my blog in my head)
Going on 2 years!!
my how the time flies.
I decided to post about so major life changes....
but I'll have to edit the post later.
There's been some major moving and shaking going on
stay tuned. :)
UPDATED 6:44pm
okay. here's the update as promised.
Brian and I have discussed everything going on with his job situation as a family. We have decided that the next step in our life is Active Duty. Brian is going to get commissioned as an officer in the Active Duty United States Air Force!!! And i couldn't be more excited!
I've always wanted to go active duty, but I'm not willing to do 2 things. 1) change my career or 2) lose more than 1 stripe. So I haven't ever switched to active duty.
but i fully support my husband and I'm so excited for the next step in our lives together. He's excited. I'm excited and I simply can't wait. We've been talking about it for a long time now, but i didn't want to get my hopes up by telling you all. because i know as soon as i blog about it (as silly as it sounds) it is in my head and in my heart. I.Can.Not.Wait.
I feel this is a very fitting post for my 300th. A big post. A big post topic. A big change!

Wow, that's alot of posts. Well done!
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