B and I were in this house. I've never seen this house before but it was 2 stories. All of a sudden we're attacked by these people. they were all men. Next thing i know B kills them all protecting me, but he tries to save them so they're still alive.
so here we are with like 6 half alive bodies. Then all of a sudden we realize there is family upstairs. so we cover the bodies and go up stairs. So we go up stairs and sleep on the couch. Apparently in the dream world this is our 'usual' spot. So then we remember that there are bodies down stairs that we need to go fix and we tell my parent's that we're giving up our spot so someone else can have it and we'll sleep down stairs on the air mattress.
So we go down stairs and try and figure out what to do with these bodies.
---then i woke up---
seriously i didn't know why i dream some of this shit. its really weird. i wasn't scared in this dream which is odd because most of my dreams are scary!!
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