there were a bunch of 3rd year cadets (ROTC) here waiting on a flight. they were in the back room. all of a sudden all the cops swarm the room. one guy goes in pulls out another guy. cadet A points a finger at cadet B. the MP's drop Cadet B. [drop= put him to the ground]
apparently cadet A ratted out cadet b because cadet B had weed on him or 'weed paraphernalia'
right there in front of everyone cadet a just points the dude out. they hall cadet b out in hand cuffs. they take his baggage off the plane. and hall him off to the holding cells on base until they decide what to do. well, I'm sure they know. but i do not.
thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn there was a crazy lady. good night this bitch was nuts.
she started out normal. she came in checked in got booked on the flight we had going to hikam, HI. then she says she came off a different flight. she had no bags to check. then she 'magically' loses her closed toed shoes and now has on sandals. she told one of the guys that "she stepped in a hole and couldn't get her shoe out". WTF?
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