so i get her the 13Th a little early i was supposed to report at 11:30, but i got there around 9. i went to my unit and by 10:30 i was released with nothing to do and no where to go because i couldn't check in to my motel until 3, or so they said. So i went and parked in the library parking lot which is beautiful its surrounded by lovely green trees. i read magazines till noon then i went to see if i could possibly check in. so i got to check in at noon then i went to my unit to see what time i needed to report by. My chief said he'd call me...nope!
so Saturday morning i get dressed and report back to my unit at 7:30. There was not a soul in sight. so i spent a few minutes debating what to do. I decided to report to my duty section hoping that maybe they would have more information then i did. Apparently they had been expecting me since 7am when they started there shift. it was around 7:45 when i got there. but they weren't upset about it, so that was good.
so I'm working 12 hour shifts which doesn't bug me to much i mused to it. when i was in California we had 12 hour shifts. So its no big deal to me.
man what an adventure for my first day back. I can't believe how much i miss being on active duty. it reminds me of a MUCH MUCH simpler time. Where you worked and partied. not a care in the world. i would love to be on active duty again. i really like it and really miss it.
but my crazy day deserves its own post. lol!
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