I love my career and what i do. I feel like i'm really doing something.
People in my AFSC (air force specialty code... i think) complain all the time that we're not 'doing anything important', but i highly doubt they've ever sat pointlessly in a closet of an office retyping endless docuements.
but whatever.
i love what we do. no matter who is mad, what old guy hits on you or antyhing. it like it more than my day jobl lol.
but i'm sooooooooooooooooo ready to go hug and kiss my husband. i think if i was away for a long time i'd be more prepared to be away. but when you're only gone for 14 days, on day 12 i'm so ready to be home. Today is the end of day 12. i'm so ready to be home. this time friday i'll be in full swing back at home! I can't wait!!
in hopes of going home todays picture is retro Mr. & Mrs. Rotty
Halloween '06
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