as the day went through we got word that there was a mission coming through with the remains of a marine killed in the line of duty.
so around 1200 we went out and detail guarded the gate and ushered the hearse and the marine color guard onto the flight line.
before the plane landed we are informed that he was a reserve marine who was a fire fighter in his day life. he was survived by his father and a 9 year old little brother.
about 15 min before the plane landed the area police department came out in there dress uniform and lined the walkway of the flight line. ALL of the Air Force Fire department came out along with multiple Marines and Army people. Our Command Chief was out there with many other people.
the plane lands.
off come 2 marines (one is the deceased father). they are greeted by another marine and they salute and exchange hand shakes and hugs.
next the casket is lowered off the plane. [at this point i lose it] the marines walk up and salute the casket. The people who have been lining the flight line are all at full attention rendering salutes. I'm in tears and doing my best to keep my shit together.
then start the bag pipes playing amazing grace as the marines carry the casket to the hearse. [ya i have tears streaming at this point].
the little brother had to be escorted off the flight line because he was bawling and didn't want to see it anymore. he was standing with his uncle.
the hearse and the marines are escorted off the flight line by the military police in a long slow sad procession towards the grave yard.
I had a family member die over there. this was a really hard day for me.
I am away from my husband and all of my family. I want you guys to all hug and kiss your loved ones for me.
(yeah I'm still in tears over this)
(sorry its long)
Mrs. Rotty, I send you hugs. Lots and lots of them. We don't know each other personally, but thank you for all you do. FOr all of us.
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