Its such a calming feeling to finally be home and be able to relax. I will miss the ability to do what i want when i want, nest all night, and have the bed all to my self. But i think the thing i'll miss the most is the AC. FUCK its hot here. Muggy today more than anything. lol.
Tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary. Being young, married, poor, college students makes for a slim anniversary. But i don't really care. Ya i kinda wish we had some big trip planned or a second honey moon or somthing like that. but i figure whats 1 or 2 years when we have a life time together. I'm just happy i'm home, safe, and happy. I'm not on orders somewhere or something like that.
I'm just calm. i'm happy.
Happy anniversary! Hopefully it gets less muggy. At least it seems the rain is done! :-)
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